If you are only going to be in Corvallis for a short period, or you are in need of temporary housing, it might be best to find a short-term lease.
Temporary Housing (up to a day, week, month+)
These options can be a variety of different locations and styles, and are best used while you are looking for a permanent place.
- Fernwood Circle: http://fernwoodcircle.com/
- At Home in Oregon: http://www.athomeinoregon.com/
- Corvallis Depot: http://www.corvallisdepot.com/
Month-to-month Apartments
Finding a month-to-month apartment can unfortunately be difficult in Corvallis and contracts are usually more expensive than a regular contract. However, it might be the best option if you're only here for a month or two, or till you find a more permanent apartment.
Use the resources on the previous pages or call the property managers to see if they would consider a month-to-month contract.
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