Learning Center

Services for Winter 2025

Welcome to the Learning Center! Visit us to work with a tutor in the Open Lab, use our computers and printers, or find a space to study.

We are open Monday - Thursday 9:00am- 7:00pm, Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

We offer drop-in tutoring in our Open Lab every day from 10 am to closing. 

Please stop by to check out an English reading book, print your documents, study with your friends or work with a tutor.

Open Lab Tutoring

The Open Lab is a drop-in tutoring service, which means you don't need an appointment! Meet with a tutor in-person to help you improve your assignments and projects from your language classes. To prepare for tutoring, please bring any materials you may need such as a textbook, grading rubric, or your instructor's feedback. Please note that Learning Center tutors support students by helping them identify and use strategies and tools to improve on their own. This is not an editing service. The Open Lab is open Monday - Friday from 10 am until closing in ILLC 140, right across from the coffee shop.

Tutoring Services

The Learning Center provides tutoring for both Academic English program students and students enrolled in Pathway Undergraduate and Graduate programs. You can make an appointment with a tutor to practice your listening/speaking skills, a presentation, or your conversation skills. You are not able to book an appointment more than 5 days in advance and cannot have more than one appointment per day. 

Click here to book a tutoring appointment!


Resume and Cover Letter Review

The Learning Center provides cover letter and resume review services to students currently enrolled in INTO services. You can bring your resume or cover letter to our Open Lab drop-in space, located in ILLC 140, Monday through Friday from 10am until closing. Our tutors are available to assist you in improving your documents and can also aid in job search strategies and completing job applications.

Math Tutoring

Please speak with your advisor if you are interested in learning more about math tutoring with the Learning Center. 

Computer Science

Please speak with your advisor if you are interested in learning more about CS tutoring with the Learning Center. 


What can you work on during a tutoring appointment?

  • Practice a class presentation in front of a tutor 
  • Read out loud to a tutor to work on pronunciation and reading skills
  • Have a conversation with a tutor to improve your conversational skills


How can you prepare for Open-Lab tutoring? 

  • Gather any materials you may need, including your assignment guidelines, textbook, and grading rubric 
  • Think of the questions you want to ask the tutor: 
    • What do you need help with?
    • What do you want to accomplish during the appointment?
    • Are there any parts of your assignment you're concerned about?